605 THIRD AVE. 2014. while at the LAB at Rockwellgroup)
Video courtesy of Rockwell Group - https://www.rockwellgroup.com/projects/605-third-avenue
Please also see - http://www.wsj.com - A New Take on Lobby Art
At 605 3rd Ave, New york, the lobby windows facing the street, now feature an art installation composed of two 15' X 15' installations of animated grids of transparent LCD panels. The installation seeks to create a reflective space at the lobby, and a help it become a local landmark.
As an Interaction Designer on a multidisciplinary team of interaction designers, programmers and engineers, I worked on this project through its concept and design development phases. My role focused on developing the experience and interaction stories, as well as the featured animations. I supervised the development programming to ensure it aligned with the animation ideas.
We partnered with the engineers at Hypersonic design to produce the installation. The animation stories are focused on creating recognizable and dynamic forms on the pixelated display.
Illustrator, AfterEffects, Keynote, Processing (rudimentary)
Please see below for some concept development boards...